Tuesday 12 July 2011


I am about to write a blog - sharing with you a story that's taken me 11 years to write. It pulls no punches and I will certainly hide nothing from you, the reader. Indeed, there are times when I will lean heavily on you - there are times I will no doubt piss you off and others when I confide in you; seeking your counsel.

I will share everything with you, warts and all.  It is not my intention to hide anything. You will learn about my pain from a very personal perspective.  11 years is a long time and the roller coaster of a journey will take you from the depths of despair, trying to make sense of the mindlessness of it all, to the highs of finding happiness in another country half way around the world.

I really hope you enjoy this journey - I also hope you let me know what you think along the way; was I right to make the decisions I made; am I wrong in the route I walked?

But, above all else I want to know that you are walking alongside me; carrying me when I need it and standing back when that's the right thing to do. I am making no promises as to the outcome for it's not the time for that just yet. 

So, for now, come and let's start this journey together. 

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